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Saturday, December 27, 2008


After a tiring day at the "Kwanza celebration" at the U's Museum of Fine Arts we arrived at the Training Table for a late, late lunch. Toria was like a Mexican jumping bean and could not for the life of her sit still. She was up, she was down, she was dancing, she was jumping. Now, I'm usually a bit of a stickler on table manners, but after an exhausting afternoon and in a basically empty restaurant, I was giving her some leeway. Well, even I, the pillar of patience(not so much) reached my limit. In the nicest tone, yet with a hint of sternness told her to, "Sit down on your knees or bum, right now." She sits down, sticks her finger in her ketchup and in just as firm a voice states" Mommy, stop being mad at me." Doug and I laughed so hard.  Maybe you had to be there, because as I read this it doesn't seem as funny. But, I promise, it really was. 


Amy said...

Hey I decided to go private with my blog due to some pending legal issues, its a wonderful life. Anyway, send me your email address,

BKAT said...

Oh how I love Toria. What a sweetie! She has a marvelous mom to boot! Love you all!