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Friday, December 26, 2008

Forced gratitude

So, one of Toria's new things is to make sure that as we sit down to a meal everyone thanks me for preparing the food. Generally goes like this...

Toria: Mommy, thank you for the food. Daddy, can you say thank you to Mommy for the food?
Doug: Thank you for the food, Mommy
Toria: Skylar, can you thank Becca for the food?
Skylar: Thank you for the food 
Toria: Rome, can you thank Mommy for the food?
Rome:(silence... give the kid a break he's only 8 1/2 months old)

And so on, until all those seated at the table have thanked me for the food.
So, this is cute and funny, but it truly is the start of every meal at our table. Hence, I tend to hear this pretty much 3 times a day.

Well, today she added a spin...

Toria: Thank you for the food, Mommy. Daddy, can you thank your wife for the food?

Ok... are you really 2 1/2?

1 comment:

Annie said...

That made me smile. Cute cute Toria.