As I approach the upcoming holiday, I am attempting to focus on the "little big" things that I am thankful for. I can easily put a huge list of "big" things: my husband, my kids, my family, my home, food on my table, the Gospel, the Temple, the Atonement, prayer, my Savior, the list goes on and on. But for the rest of the month I am going to dig a little closer to the surface, or rather, simpler. Maybe with something to focus on... maybe... I will be a more consistent blogger.
Thanks this day for...
Yo GabbaGabba. I mean really, what can cause more excitement and love in a child than our fabulous friends Plex, Brobie, Foofa, Muno, Tootie, and DJ Lance? We went to the "Live" show this week and the pure and utter joy gushing out of my kids as they sang and danced to "Party in my Tummy", "Name Game"(of which I have heard the lyrics... my name is muno, muno, mmmmmm, muno muno, muno... about 2,300 times since), "We don't Bite our Friends" and all the other great favorites. Hey, if they love a skinny guy in an orange jumpsuit, who am I to not be grateful to him and all the rest of the funky bunch?
Modern Medicine. Let me sum up our last three weeks:
Davin: double ear infection, cold, croup
Rome: croup
Toria: cold, croup, ear infection, inflamed tonsils, and possible UTI
Hence (I love it when I can write that! Hence and Thus... no better words in the English language. They sound not only intelligent, but also a bit pretentious.) Hence, I am extremely grateful for good ole' antibiotics.