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Friday, July 25, 2008

It really works!

So, as far as my life is concerned these are some B.I.G things! 

1) Yesterday morning Toria was saying our breakfast prayer, which has always been a consistent"Heavenly Father... Thankful... Amen." But alas, this prayer-I don't know where it came from-was... drumroll, please..."Heavenly Father, please bless have a good day, grateful for food, daddy, name of Jesus Christ, Amen." I know I should not be prideful, but I must say I was pretty darn proud of my little, just turned two year old!

2)  Toria was in primary and they were having a lesson on President Monson. When the teacher held up his picture and asked, "Who is this?" My bright little bee piped up, "President Monson!" Ahhhh. The FHE lessons are sinking into her wee noggin! 

It's so nice to see that all the work and sweat and love we Mom's(and Dad's!) pour into our kids makes a difference. Not growing up a member, sometimes I wonder if I am doing the right things to teach my kids the gospel.  I felt like it was like a little pat on the back from Heavenly Father reminding me that it's ok if I am new to all this, as long as I am trying to be obedient He will make up the rest. 


Aubri n Scott said...

You are a great mom and what a great story! Way to go Toria

SayitwithanH said...

I can't imagine how you do it! I watch Lu'isa's kids sometimes and I forget to pray all the time. They remind me. Good thing they have their aunty Mounu to be a better influence. I always knew you'd be a great mother and wife. I'm glad you feel like you are going to be.

BKAT said...

Those tender moments when it seems like at least some things in the world go in the right direction. It's times like these that let us mom's know that, yep, our efforts just might make a difference. Thanks for inspiring us!

Natelli Johnston said...

oh that is awesome! I have been meaning to tell you for a while now that the strawberry bread you sent home with Dave was HEAVENLY! seriously soooo good thank you :D