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Sunday, July 11, 2010


I am constantly amazed at the things I learn from my children.

On Father's Day this year I thought we needed to start a new tradition. Since my Dad passed away 2 1/2 years ago and my step-dad just in the last month... I thought I would have the kids draw them pictures and would would send their "messages" off to them with balloons.
When I first presented this idea to the little ones here was the conversation...

t: why are we going to draw them pictures?
me: i just thought it would be nice to send their father's day pictures to them
t: will they get them?
me: do you think they will get them?
t: yeah...
me: i do too(as I tear up a bit.. because... well, because I am a crier)
t: mommy, don't be sad... they will be resurrected.

Lesson #1 the faith of a child is a beautiful thing

While the pictures were in progress, I asked Toria what she was drawing.
t: A path. Pappi Jim(my step-father) needs a path. He needs to find his way.
Jim was not a member of the church and maybe, just maybe she know exactly what he needs.

Lesson #2 i cannot begin to imagine how well a child's ears can hear the Spirit


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