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Friday, August 15, 2008

Hot Summer Days. Love Them!

          Is it just me, or do the summer days fly by? I guess it's because we are so busy outside, going to zoo's, swimming pools, bbq's and any other activity that lets us enjoy this wonderful, yes I know it's hot, time of year! I am all about flip-flops and lemonade, parks and sunscreen, shorts and vacations. I try to not complain about the hot leather seats in my car, or the sweaty stickiness of an afternoon outside, because I really love thew warm weather. So much can be done, not like those nasty, cold, snowy, miserable, slippery, winter months! Cooped up inside, when only so much can be done to entertain busy bodies.  I am trying to soak up every minute of sunshine, popsicles, and wading pools that  I can!